Friday, January 29, 2010

global economy

I guess I must re evaluate my thoughts on buying American and the global economy. My wife and I just bought a BMW X3, guess what this German car is made in America. Another example,
Harley-Davidson, the main stay Amerciana motorcycle manufaturer. All the parts are made in
Tawain. Global economy touches all our lives.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

MBA Portfolio

Timing is business is everything. Now that I have a new born to take care of and 12 hours of

graduate studies it seems that employers find my credentials very attractive. But if I was just

un employed and no responsibilties my phone would not ring. I have had four propesctive companies contact me in the last two weeks with very attractive postitions. Do I continue down my current path or do I pursue opportunities that a very lucrative. Timing truly is everything.