Thursday, February 18, 2010

i Pad

When Steve Jobs from Apple introduced the i Pad he said they were trying to penetrate a third segment between the iPod and MacBook. Competitors seemed to snicker and there were derogatory remarks made about the name i Pad. The i Pad is going to be a highly successful product. How do I know. Well, I read in The Wall Street Journal today that all the manufacturers are quick to copy, imitate, or come out with their version of the i Pad. Imitation is
always the best form of a complement. The industry knows that Apple is on the right track and they are chasing fast from behind into this new niche market. Manufacturers like Sony, HP and Dell are letting Apple set the benchmark for this new technology but they are soon to follow hoping to set higher profit margins before this market becomes saturated like the PC and netbooks. The key to Apple's success is the fact that the technology builds on the iPod, i Touch, and i Phone technology. The more products I personally use from Apple the more I want.
I guess I am becoming brand loyal to Apple. I started with the iPod then I switched my phone service that I had for many years and bought and iPhone and now I am considering the iPad.

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