Sunday, April 4, 2010

China is key market for auto makers

GM had a 68% increase in sales in March 2010 over March 2009 in China. They actually sold more cars that month in China than they did in the U.S. For the entire year, the U.S. market is still the largest for GM; however, China is gaining fast. The China market is putting up fantastic monthly increases like 68% or 71%. This ever expanding global economy is good for global vehicle manufacturers because when sales are down in one market, another market may be up and carry the company. Not only has China overtaken Japan as the world's largest vehicle manufacturer, they have overtaken the U.S. as the world's largest auto market by units sold.
The small cars seem to be selling the best in China. This is probabtly due to tax incentives from the government and fuel efficiencies. This whole scenario reminds me of the early 1980's and Japanese cars invading the U.S. market. Who says American made cars aren't fuel efficient the Chinese seem to think they are.

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