Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ford Positioning

It looks like Ford's positioning on the perceptual map is on the rise for quality perceived. The company's sales are up 48% in February. I think Ford is using points of parity instead of points of difference to position itself agains the likes of Toyota and Honda. If you look at recent ads the company talks about the quality and mileage being just as good as these foreign auto manufacturers. So they are trying to put into the mind of the target market that we are just as good as imports but you should buy our cars because they are American. All of this comes with the trouble that Toyota is having not only with the actual problems with the gas pedal, but with the perceived problem and growing concern of the public perception of poor quality. Its very hard to be the market leader. The market leader must maintain quality while trying to gain new customers. The cost of gaining new customers can be very high; therefore, sometime manufacturing cost are cut or short cuts taken. This could have been what happen to Toyota while sourcing this gas pedal. Maybe the company who make the pedal was the lowest bidder, but not the highest quality part. In the meantime Ford will need to maintain their quality because I would quess Toyota will be coming on strong to regain their lost market share.

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