Saturday, March 13, 2010

Free Publicity

Is it true that any publicity is good publicity. I would say not. I was just watching Saturday Night Live and the did a parity of a couple driving a Toyota Prius with a gas pedal stuck in the accelerated position. The couple screams and tries to get the car under control then you hear the sound of the car crashing. At the end of the parity commericial the Ford logo comes up and it say Ford we make Hybrids too. Man I wondered if Ford paid them for this. It was funny and memorable which is very bad advertising for Toyota, but great advertising for Ford. It seems there is an article a day in The Wall Street Journal concerning Toyota. It make you wonder where reporting stops and politcs begin. I know Toyota has had their recent problems, but it seems that several politicians have done their best to keep them in the spot light in order to benefit Ford and GM. Regardless, I am sure that many consumers will be talking about the parity of Toyota on SNL on Monday at work. And that spells added trouble for Toyota.

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