Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tiger Scandal good for business

Americans love to build up a superstar, then they love it when the superstar falls. The only thing Americans love more than that is to forgive the fallen star and return he or she to glory. This happens all the time. Tiger Woods will come through this scandal stronger than ever with even more endorsement power. His apparel sales are up this period vs the same period last year.
So keep your chin up Tiger a year from now everything will be O.K. All you have to do is say, you are sorry and the American public will eat it up with a spoon. Look at Kobe Bryant and the scandal in the hotel with a girl. How about Mark McGuire, Sami Sosa and the lot who all used steroids. Look at Michael Jackson, he has sold millions of records since his death. Wasn't he a child molester? We love to love, hate, then forgive. Its what we do.

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